Monday, November 14, 2011

Principles of Distance Education Final Project 


  1. Heather,

    Your video is very well put together. I like your introduction video with the students as well as the way you had videos of students with their perspectives on collaboration in distance education. Great job!

  2. Hello Heather,

    Great job on your video. I especially liked the way you pointed out that collaboration is present in everything we do. The student interview were a great touch. You proved that you learned a lot about collaboration and distance education. Great job!

  3. Heather! Your video is so professional in appearance. I love the background music. It will defintely capture the audiences attention! You have great vocal projection and you bring your point across concisely and clearly. The interviews really made the provided the additonal support of your concept that collaboration is key to student success! I love the light bulb moment!

    Happy blogging!

    Kimberly Arlia

  4. The graphics added depth to your presentation, however the students' thoughts on collaboration in the online environment were particularly engaging. Even though it wasn't about online collaboration, I loved the imagery of the segment with the young boy and his classmates! Priceless.

  5. Heather,

    You did a wonderful job on your presentation. It was very engaging. I enjoyed the scene with the students at the beginning. You provided a lot of information and research regarding collaboration.

  6. Heather,

    Excellent video. It was engaging, informative, creative, and fun from start to finish. You caught my attention from the very beginning with that adorable little boy with the placard, and you never lost my attention after that. The inclusion of narration from students and instructor were very effective and added to the depth of your work. Your visuals were well selected, your video was nicely done, and your voice was clear and fluid. I totally enjoyed your video. Thank you for sharing.


  7. Heather
    Your presentation was impressive. The student collaboration at the beginning of your presentation was effective.
