Saturday, November 5, 2011

Module 5

Blog Post- Moving Toward Dynamic Technology

After reflecting on examples of both static and dynamic technologies in education, I feel that I am in between these two types of technology. Moller (2008) discussed examples of technology that are considered in the middle of the continuum (i.e. blogs, wiki, chats, etc.), and these are examples of technology I currently implement in my classes. I feel the continuum in moving more toward dynamic, as our education board has recently identified many of the technologies on the dynamic continuum as beneficial to the education of students and decided to allow teachers to have access to these technologies; whereas before, teachers as well as students were blocked from accessing the content. We now have access to blogs, wiki, content videos, Google aps, Skype, social media, etc, and now teachers are able to allow students to expand learning and deepen understanding.  I believe with time and careful consideration, more and more school districts will consider these dynamic technologies and see the benefit to incorporating them into the curriculum.

Moller, L. (2008). Static and dynamic technological tools. [Unpublished Paper].

Responses to Cheree Thompson & Kristy Burrough


  1. Heather, your graphic organizer was very informatve. I too feel that I am moving towards the dynamic technologies as I continue to pursue my degree in educational technology. Looking at your graphic organizer does put it in perspective how dynamic technologies allow students to gain a deeper understanding of what they are being taught. Good job!

  2. Heather,

    You have some technologies in there I didn't even think of, like e-books, which are a great example of static technologies used to provide content. I enjoyed you post!

  3. Heather!

    Wonderful post! I think many of use are in that limbo stage - looking towards the dynamic but rooted in the static. I found it very interesting that it was not until the Board identified the technologies that teachers and learners were given access. Was this something that was brought to their attention and dismissed...only to be permitted once it was their idea? That is what seems to happen at the library quite frequently.

    Happy Blogging!

    Kimberly Arlia
